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Landscaping: Boost Your Home’s Value and Curb Appeal
Landscaping involves the installation of a variety of structures such as walkways, patios and pavers and adds to the beauty of your garden. It also includes pruning of trees, trimming of shrubs and grass, mulching and aeration.

A beautiful landscape increases the value of a home and provides many practical benefits, such as shading, privacy and controlling erosion. It also encourages outdoor recreation and relaxation and helps improve the air quality by reducing carbon dioxide levels. Contact Eccograss Landscaping for professional help.
Aesthetics is a key aspect of landscape design and helps create a pleasing environment. It can be achieved through the use of color, line, form, texture and scale. Aesthetics in landscaping can be applied to hardscape and softscape, and it can be either formal or informal. It is important to find a balance of these elements to create a harmonious design.
Line refers to the straight or curved lines used in a design. They can be used to control movement in a space, or they can highlight a design feature such as a pond or fire pit. They can also add visual interest by creating a contrast between light and dark areas. Lines can be created by using various materials such as wood, pavers or stone. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and they can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Form refers to the shape of a plant or design element. This can be a circular, oval or square shape. It can also be curved or angular. Form is important in landscape design because it can help evoke emotion and create a sense of unity in a design. For example, a circular pattern can be calming while a curved path can be whimsical.
Texture refers to how the surface of a plant or other object feels when touched. It can be coarse, medium or fine. Texture is important in landscape design because it can create a sense of unity and harmony with the other components of the design. For example, a rough texture can be combined with smooth stones and water to create a serene and peaceful area.
The experience of landscape can be explained by Appleton’s prospect-refuge theory. This theory combines habitat theory and information processing theory to propose that aesthetic satisfaction from landscapes is derived from the favorability of their contribution to survival needs. However, Bunkse questioned the validity of this theory and called it hide and seek aesthetics (1977).
The concept of landscape aesthetics is a way of viewing and understanding the world around us. It helps overcome deeply ingrained oppositions such as nature and culture, spirit and flesh, or the environment and human beings. Moreover, it provides a vantage point to explore contemporary predicaments that cannot be understood within dualistic frameworks. It also sheds new light on issues ranging from art and its interpretation to environmentalism, temporality, lived spaces, justice and interdisciplinarity.
Landscape design is more than planting shrubs and trees and mowing your lawn. It is also about introducing water features to your garden, installing patios and walkways and creating outdoor living spaces that can be enjoyed by all members of the family. In addition, well-designed landscaping can increase the value of your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers.
Functionality in landscape design is achieved through a process of careful planning and execution. A good landscape designer will create a plan that meets your needs and is aesthetically pleasing. They will consider the amount of sunlight and shade, soil type, water drainage, and climate conditions. They will also include a list of maintenance tasks for each area of the garden. For example, pruning trees and shrubs will keep them healthy and beautiful, while aerating the lawn removes thatch and allows water and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the ground.
A well-designed landscape can have several benefits for homeowners, including increased home value and a healthier lifestyle. It can reduce stress and improve mental health by providing a place for relaxation and contemplation. It can also improve the environment by reducing the urban heat island effect. The use of trees, shrubs, and natural lawns can reduce air temperature by up to 20%, compared to asphalt or concrete.
In order to create a functional, aesthetically pleasing landscape, it is important to consider the style you want for your garden. To begin, look for images online or in books to find the style that appeals to you. Once you have decided on a style, try to incorporate elements from that particular style into your landscape. For example, using simple repetition like lining up three identical plants or placing similar pots along a stone wall will help to achieve unity and cohesiveness in your landscape.
A successful landscape design requires a combination of hardscapes and softscapes. Hardscapes are non-living elements such as pavers, pathways, walls, and driveways. Softscapes are the organic components of the landscape, which includes trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass. In addition, a successful landscape design includes lighting and water features to enhance the visual appeal of your space.
Low Maintenance
A “low-maintenance” yard is often a goal for homeowners. But, despite the term, all landscapes require maintenance to thrive.
The key to a low-maintenance landscape is proper planning, selection of plants, and timely maintenance to keep plants in good health. This will minimize work and save money for the homeowner.
For example, choosing plants that are drought tolerant and hardy will allow them to survive in many weather conditions without needing water. And, planting perennials that bloom for weeks and attract pollinators reduces the need to prune the plants back and will keep flower color consistent throughout the growing season.
Similarly, using shrubs that can be used for ground cover instead of grass can reduce mowing needs. Plants like yew, boxwood and juniper are a few options that can be planted to make a low-maintenance garden. These shrubs provide a solid base for the landscape and can be used to create hedges or borders.
Another important consideration is to eliminate unnecessary features in the landscape. Adding too much visual distraction can actually increase the time and effort to maintain a garden. Eliminate statues and other water features, and choose simple designs that are easy to grow and prune. This will also help control weeds and prevent erosion.
One of the best ways to set up a low-maintenance landscape is by working with a professional landscaper. They will be able to determine what level of maintenance you can realistically handle and what your aesthetic preferences are.
In addition, a landscape designer will be able to advise you on the best plants for your climate and soil type. Plants that are native to your area will need less water, and will be easier to grow than those that are imported from other areas. Plants that are native to your region will also provide food and shelter for local wildlife, creating a win-win situation for you and the ecosystem.
Finally, to decrease the amount of mowing and trimming in your garden consider installing an area of the yard as a patio or deck. This will allow you to relax outside without worrying about the mowing and trimming of your landscape.
Ecologically Friendly
Ecologically friendly landscaping focuses on using the minimum amount of water, pesticides, fertilizer, labour, and building materials. It emphasizes natural plant and tree species that are native to your area, and it avoids non-native plants (which can often introduce invasive insect problems). It also minimizes waste from building structures like patios and walkways by using repurposed materials or reclaimed wood.
The idea behind eco-friendly landscapes is to create healthy ecosystems with natural insect populations that support local wildlife. Incorporating native flowering trees and shrubs into your garden encourages pollination that is vital for a balanced ecosystem. Avoiding pesticides is more work, but it reduces toxins in the soil that can kill beneficial insects and harm human health.
Incorporating a pond or water feature into your eco-friendly landscape is a great way to attract and provide habitat for fish, frogs, dragonflies, birds, and other creatures. If you do choose to add a pond, water-friendly flowers and other plants will minimize the use of chemicals for weed control and maintain optimal nutrient levels in the pond.
Choosing drought-tolerant plants is another great way to reduce water usage and contribute to conservation efforts. These plants have evolved to thrive in your local climate and soil conditions over centuries, meaning they are adapted naturally to the environment. They also need less water to thrive, reducing your utility bills.
Installing shade trees around your home can help lower cooling costs in summer by decreasing the amount of sunlight that enters your house. In winter, they can act as a windbreak to lower heating costs by blocking the cold air.
Make your entire yard eco-friendly by composting organic materials like leaves, grass clippings, and vegetable scraps to reduce landfill contributions and to enrich the soil. Consider replacing your lawn with native grasses, ground covers, or a vegetable garden to conserve resources and enhance biodiversity. When incorporating pathways, patios, or other hardscape features, search for eco-friendly options like permeable pavers instead of concrete. You can also repurpose reclaimed or recycled wood and stone for these features. This cuts down on the need for new materials and supports your local economy.